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PDR vs. Conventional Repair: Which is Right for You?

pdr vs conventional repair which is right for youPDR vs. Conventional Repair: Which is Right for You? Paintless dent repair (PDR) VS conventional dent repair. Paintless dent repair (PDR) and conventional dent repair are two different ways to fix dents in your car. PDR is a newer method that is becoming increasingly popular because it is faster, cheaper, and less invasive than conventional repair.

Conventional dent repair involves sanding the area around the dent, filling the dent with bondo, and then painting the area to match the original paint. This process can take several days and can cost upwards of $1,000. PDR uses specialized tools to massage the dent out of the metal from behind. This process is much faster, typically taking only a few hours. PDR is also less expensive than conventional repair, costing typically around $300-$500.

Here is a table comparing PDR and conventional repair:

Factor PDR Conventional Repair
Cost Less expensive More expensive
Time Faster Slower
Invasiveness Less invasive More invasive
Paint Does not damage the original paint May damage the original paint

Which method is right for you depends on the severity of the dent and your budget. If the dent is minor and you are looking for a quick and affordable fix, PDR is the best option. If the dent is more severe or if you need a perfect match to the original paint, then conventional repair may be the better choice.

Here are some tips for choosing between PDR and conventional repair:

1) Consider the severity of the dent. PDR is best suited for minor dents, such as those caused by door dings or hail damage. If the dent is deep or creased, conventional repair may be necessary.

2) Think about your budget. PDR is generally less expensive than conventional repair. However, the cost of both methods will vary depending on the severity of the damage and the labor rates in your area.

3) Get estimates from multiple shops. Before you choose a repair method, get estimates from multiple shops to compare prices and turnaround times.

4) Ask about guarantees. Most shops will offer a guarantee on their work. Be sure to ask about the terms of the guarantee before you choose a shop.

If you are still unsure which method is right for you, it is always best to consult with a qualified auto body technician.

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